Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


  1. Books submitted into competition must be professionally published between January 1, 2024 and December 13, 2024, and be assigned an ISBN. 
  2. Except for the Florida Nonfiction, Visual Arts, Cooking Book Awards (which must be about Florida), all work submitted must be written by a current full-time Florida resident. Where questions pertaining to eligibility arise, the Florida Book Awards staff will make final determinations.
  3. Books may be submitted by anyone (e.g. publisher, author, or literary agent) who pays the entry fee, fills out an entry form, and provides the number of copies requested.
  4. Although a book may be submitted into more than one category of competition if eligible (e.g., General Fiction and Popular Fiction; Young Children's Literature and Poetry), a separate fee and the requisite number of review copies will be required for each category submission.
  5. New editions of previously published work are not eligible unless at least one-half the content has changed from the previous edition.
  6. Translations are not eligible for consideration. Translations of FBA medal winners in the Spanish Language Category will not be eligible.
  7. Except for the categories Young Children's Literature, Visual Arts, and relevant Young Adult Literature, all books submitted into competition will be judged solely for their writing and not for their design or illustration.
  8. Coauthored books are eligible if all authors are full-time Florida residents (Florida Nonfiction and Visual Arts authors excepted).
  9. Books by members of the Florida Book Awards staff or the members of any jury are precluded from consideration.
  10. Medal winners must be willing to donate one lecture, presentation, or reading at the request of any one of The Florida Book Awards partners within eighteen months of receiving the medal.
  11. E-books are eligible for competition, but applicants must submit four paper copies of the book (one to Florida Book Awards Competition, the remaining three to jurors).
  12. For books copyrighted in 2024 but not physically published before the December 13, 2024 deadline, authors may submit paper copy page proofs. Once the book has been officially published, however, authors must submit four copies of the book (one to Florida Book Awards Competition, the remaining three to jurors).
  13. By submitting to the Florida Book Awards, authors or publishers agree to incur the travel costs when attending the awards banquet and to send two signed copies of their winning books to be included in public displays, one in Florida State University's Strozier Library and one in the Florida Governor's mansion.