
We are thrilled to announce the winning entries for the 2023 competition!

Established in 2006, the Florida Book Awards has grown to include awards in eleven categories of competition and is introducing a new Gold Medal for Poetry Chapbooks within the Poetry Category. Books may be submitted by authors, publishers, or members of the public in any of the eleven categories: Cooking, Florida Nonfiction, General Fiction, General Nonfiction, Older Children’s Literature, Poetry, Popular Fiction, Spanish Language, Visual Arts, Young Adult Literature and Young Children’s Literature. Descriptions of these categories and instructions for submitting nominations are available at www.floridabookawards.org/enter

All books nominated in the next entry cycle must have a 2024 copyright date and an ISBN number. Authors must be full-time Florida residents, except in the Florida Nonfiction, Visual Arts and Cooking categories, where the subject matter must focus on Florida.



Interested in being a juror for the Florida Book Awards? Complete the form linked to indicate your interest, background and qualifications, and provide your contact information. As juror positions open in each category, the Florida Book Awards Director will refer to this list to review qualifications and interest when reaching out to potential jurors for the upcoming awards cycle.